Sunday, January 30, 2011

Eggs :8 healthy facts

From nutritional benefits to ancient symbolism, we've got eight things we bet you didn't know about eggs.

Egg Symbolism

Ancient cultures, such as the Egyptians, Persians, and Hindus, believed the world began as a large egg, one reason the egg is a symbol of new life.

Egg-cellent Production

Individual hens in the United States lay about 250 to 300 eggs per year.

Most Extreme Egg

The heaviest egg, laid by a New Jersey hen in 1956, is reported to have been 1 pound.

White House Easter Egg Roll

The first White House Easter Egg Roll took place in 1878 on President Rutherford B. Hayes’ lawn, after a law was passed forbidding children to play on the Capitol grounds.

Egg Nutrition I

One hard-boiled egg provides 17 grams of protein and only 72 calories.

Egg Nutrition II

The yolk is the major source of the egg’s vitamins and minerals. Egg whites are an excellent source of low-fat protein.

Egg Safety

Every year, about 40,000 people in the United States are diagnosed with a diarrheal illness caused by salmonella; undercooked eggs are one source.

Why "Deviled" Eggs?

There’s nothing evil about deviled eggs; “deviled” refers to the spices used in the recipe.

source :Web MD
___see..facts about eggs..

peribahasa dya :ayam bertelur riuh sekampung..padanla banyak fakta pasal telur..0.o

kalo masak :telur dadar pon da sempoi daa..sodap jugak tue bile perut tue da mintak diisi kn??..
telur masak pedas..hmm..fav's dla..
roti telur..sesuai tuk breakfast..amat mengenyangkan laaa;P
nasi goreng pattaya...nasi goreng yang kena cover telur dadar..

awet muda :pecahkan dan minum mentah-mentah..pastikan telur xrosak dan busuk ye..

perubatan :ne slalu nye nak detect kalo2 ad ilmu sihir yang kena hantar kat kite..

seni :bole wat sebagai salah satu sumber art kn..jadikkn perhiasan oke jugak..

wedding :hantaran as bunga telur..nice kn..

banyak jugak kn telur punye kelebihan neyh..telur jugak as one nikmat Allah bagi tuk kita..tuk kesihatan tubuh badan supaya kita lebih menjadi sebagai hamba-Nya yang bersyukur..dalam erti kata lain , melalui beribadat kepada-Nya..btol x??..

Alhamdulillah ^^..

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